
  • I'm true to myself, comfortable being me.
  • I accept my shortcomings without shame.
  • I work at my own pace.  I don't expect myself to work faster or to be smarter.
  • I have my own direction, values, ethics, priorities, and agenda.
  • I am stimulated and inspired by the work of others - but I have my own visions and flow of ideas.
  • I long for acceptance, approval, safety, and comfort - but I can choose to work on my own under unfriendly circumstances.
  • I am resourceful, rarely need help.  I ask for help when I need it.
  • I seek truth and accept truth.
  • I play with ideas, reach for new ways of seeing and doing everything.
  • I try to be my best, live an interesting and creative life, keep my affairs in good order, experience good stuff, and actualize as many of my visions as possible.
  • I try to remain open and trusting, protect myself only when necessary.
  • To whatever extent it is possible without compromising myself, I share myself and my stuff with other people, try to make myself useful, try to please, try to understand and appreciate what I see in other people, try to appreciate the work that other people do, seek intimacy and fun and shared good times.